Entrepreneur, Family, Friends, Quality of Life, Relationships
As I looked at this picture on my friend’s phone, I had the thought of “sometimes we need to put on a pink tutu and run through bubbles.” It got me thinking about some of the other “sometimes” moments that happen. Sometimes we need more...
Entrepreneur, Friends, Quality of Life, Relationships
The idea that as entrepreneurs we need and want people in our lives who are reliable probably doesn’t come as much of a surprise. When we have multiple plates spinning all simultaneously, a business owner must learn to rely on others to help carry the load. If the...
Entrepreneur, Faith, Family, Friends, Quality of Life
One of the things in life that interests me is the collective experience of being a human in this world. We often hear about someone who has a “great testimony” because their life was once down and out but then radically changed for the better. You may even have read...