Abuse Recovery, Family, Friends, Quality of Life, Relationships
In this series on adult bullies, we have looked at the Accusing Bully who has a need to make you their scapegoat so they don’t have to look at their own shortcomings. We have also examined the Bitter Bully who may have started out as someone close to you, but when...
Abuse Recovery, Family, Friends, Quality of Life, Relationships
Disclaimer: For those of you who know me and my work around healing from abuse, please note that this blog is not about clinically abusive people (aka narcissists, sociopaths, or psychopaths). This series on adult bullies is about the other type of difficult people....
Entrepreneur, Family, Friends, Quality of Life, Relationships
As I looked at this picture on my friend’s phone, I had the thought of “sometimes we need to put on a pink tutu and run through bubbles.” It got me thinking about some of the other “sometimes” moments that happen. Sometimes we need more...
Abuse Recovery, Relationships
It’s frightening when someone crosses the yellow line and drifts into your lane; coming at you head-on. This can apply to driving a car or emotionally. Emotionally? Yes. There are people who don’t know how to stay in their own lane of life and they cross...
Abuse Recovery, Friends, Relationships
Hi, I am Shannon and I was the Vice-President of the PTA for about 91 days. When I resigned from my elected position on the PTA, it was in the middle of a swirling vortex of snarky emails, biting texts, lots of eye rolling at meetings and an endless amount of gossip...